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We are excited to announce our new partnership with Laava, which will enable us to provide enhanced security and authenticity measures for our customers. The Laava Smart Fingerprint® technology is a unique and secure way to authenticate products and phygital merchandise.

DeStore and Laava will work together on the Kusama Merchandise Trial to find a scalable solution for DAOs and SMEs to verify their products on Substrate-based chains. The soon-to-be-released Phygital Kusama Hoodies will have a unique Laava ID on each of them, which will authenticate the hoodies.

If the trial is successful, information based on community feedback, DeStore and Laava plan to use the digital fingerprints for on-chain product reviews, video unboxing events and augmented reality product animations through the use of a Phygital Asset wallet.

“Laava Smart Fingerprints are not only a scalable solution for all businesses that want to verify their products, but I also believe they will be the key to unlocking verified extended reality experiences of Phygital products.”

– Josiah, DeStore Network Founder & CEO

Why Smart Fingerprints and not QR codes or NFC chips?

You might be wondering why we chose Laava Smart Fingerprints® over other technologies such as NFC chips or QR codes. The answer is simple: Laava Smart Fingerprints® offer the most significant security and customer connection benefits and offer a highly scalable solution. They are considered more private compared to NFC chips and offer a trusted gateway for brands to prove the authenticity of their products while directly connecting with their consumers. Laava Smart Fingerprints® use patented computer vision technology to uniquely mark every item, and business rules are checked to determine authenticity, eliminating the possibility of counterfeit products.

NFC chips and QR codes are technologies used for identification purposes. NFC chips, short for Near Field Communication, allow for wireless communication between devices when they are in close proximity. QR codes are machine-readable codes that store information that can be read by scanning the code with a smartphone camera. Laava’s patented computer vision technology doesn’t just read a code the way a QR works, it uses advanced optics paired with sophisticated business rules, consumer engagement and analytics capabilities — to ensure consumers and brands are protected.

Optical solutions, such as Laava Smart Fingerprints®, are inherently secure compared to NFC chips. This is because NFC chips require physical contact with a reader, which can potentially track a user’s location and activities. Additionally, NFC chips require a specific type of hardware to be integrated into the device, while optical solutions can be accessed by any device with a camera, making it more accessible and convenient for users.

Of the three technologies, Laava Smart Fingerprints® offer the most significant security and customer connection benefits. QR codes are vulnerable to malicious attacks as data is directly encoded, making them exposed and easy to counterfeit. Counterfeiters can easily create fake QR codes online and place them on fake products, leading consumers to fake destinations and fake content. NFC chips, on the other hand, require devices to be in close proximity.

Laava Smart Fingerprints®, on the other hand, offer a trusted gateway for brands to prove the authenticity of their products while directly connecting with their consumers. Consumers scan the unique fingerprint, and the product’s authenticity is confirmed, or they receive an alert that the product is suspected counterfeit. Laava also provides rich information about the product’s origin, brand story, unique offers, and opportunities to engage with the brand, enhancing the customer experience.

Every scan is logged and checked against business rules, and content screens are managed by Laava. Laava Smart Fingerprints® can also be branded. Additionally, Laava Smart Fingerprints® can be printed using conventional digital printing technology and can be digitally transmitted globally, making them more cost-effective than NFC tags.

In conclusion, while NFC chips and QR codes have their place, Laava Smart Fingerprints® offer the most significant security and customer connection benefits, making them the preferred technology for product authentication and identification.

About DeStore Network

DeStore Network is a community oriented multi-chain Digital Twin minter and Phygital marketplace which will lead the way in decentralized commerce in the Polkadot Ecosystem.

DeStore is building a scalable cross chain platform that will allow users to mint, trade and sell real world digital assets on Web3 infrastructure, with a specific focus on creating easy to use pathways that allow users to trade Peer to peer in an immersive digital reality.

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About Laava.ID

Laava is the developer of the Laava Smart Fingerprint® — the world’s first secure and scalable alternative to QR codes for brand protection and consumer engagement.

Laava creates trusted experiences for brands and consumers — through smartphone-based product authentication, supply chain traceability, and compelling digital experiences. Laava’s customers span many sectors including wines and beverages, premium foods, health and wellness, consumer products, apparel, footwear, document security, and digital assets.

Laava has deployed millions of Smart Fingerprints and is helping to protect and enhance brands globally.

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