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Metarock rebrands to DeStore

Originally Metarock was founded through its founder’s desire to sell Opals in the Metaverse. Over the past 12 months, the Metarock team has been building to see this vision come to fruition. Along the way, it was discovered that there were no direct pathways for Small to Medium Businesses (SMEs) to sell real-world assets in the Metaverse. SMEs make up 90% of the world’s GDP. It is predicted by Citi Bank that the Metaverse could be worth as much as 13 Trillion dollars in 2030 a rapidly developing space that large institutions like Nike, Adidas, and Gucci who are spending billions on building out their brand in this newfound virtual space.

DeStore is Positioned to change this and provide SMEs easy to use pathways to enter and sell their product through the use of a Digital Twin.

As a result, we have decided to change our name to provide a more general and inclusive band.