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DeStore has strategically partnered with AEM, an Australia-based Protocol. This partnership will allow 10 Million+ Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) the ability to create Web 3.0 storefronts to automatically reconcile their Web 3.0 sales with their existing Web 2.0 accounting software.
Reducing barriers to entry and speeding up the Web 3.0 adoption. AEM supports both Xero and Quickbooks accounting software, with more integrations on the way.

As of the end of the 2021 fiscal year, Quickbooks subscribers nearly hit 8 million and Xero had 2.74 million. These existing users will eventually be able easily open up a virtual store and start selling products in the metaverse via DeStore.

About AEM:

Journaler is an innovative software that seamlessly combines traditional accounting with non-fiat currencies to help you maintain your blockchain data efficiently and effectively. Evolve the way you manage your digital assets with Journaler’s intuitive crypto accounting system, designed with accountants and businesses in mind.

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About DeStore:

DeStore is a community-oriented multi-chain NFT minter which will lead the way in decentralized commerce in the Dotsama Ecosystem.

DeStore is building a scalable cross-chain platform that will allow users to mint, trade, and sell real-world digital assets on Web3 infrastructure, with a specific focus on creating easy-to-use pathways that allow users to trade Peer to peer in an immersive digital reality.

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